With a little help from our friends

Great Big Green Week is on the horizon again! 24 September to 2 October 2022 will see Greener Henley supported by Henley Town Council at its best, as part of the UK’s biggest call for action on climate change.

Climate change is affecting us now. People are worried and we know that this is the time for change. In coming together during Great Big Green Week, and especially at Henley’s Great Big Green Fair on Saturday 24th September, we can show and talk about some of the changes that WILL make a difference.

We need a little help from our friends to make this happen – can you spare an hour or two a week of your time to be part of the solution? This is what we are doing that you might be able to help with as part of a team.

BETWEEN NOW AND 24 SEPTEMBER – if you can help with any tasks email us at [email protected].

Green Dish of the Week
Be part of our team visiting Henley’s restaurants, encouraging them to join in with Henley’s ‘Green Dish of the Week’. We will help to promote this for them so it’s a win-win! So far we have The Catherine Wheel, Crockers, The Cheesy Grape, Sage & Squash – who will be next to join them?

Green window displays
We need a few more hands (and legs!) visiting shops to ask if they would put on a green window display for the week. 44 shops took part last year – let’s see if we can increase that number in 2022.

Stallholder liaison
If you’re good with people, we need help liaising with the 30 or so organisations taking a stall at the Great Big Green Fair. If you could be part of the team and act as a contact, please get in touch at [email protected].

Local business funding
We are approaching businesses with some local connection for sponsorship. If that’s something you can give some time to, we’d love to hear from you.

Do you have a sturdy 3 x 3 gazebo with weights we could borrow?  Please do get in touch to let us know as it will save us a lot of money hiring them and this is something we need to plan for.

Could you help out with publicity, social media or graphic design? You would be part of a team working on this and any extra hands are more than welcome!


Transporting stuff
Do you have a van and strong arms?  Would you be willing to help transport equipment to the Market Place on the morning of 24th September and help us set up?

Setting up or crewing stalls
Could you spare some time early morning on 24th September to help with erecting the stalls, putting up displays, or crewing some of Greener Henley’s own stalls anytime from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.? Or perhaps you could help taking it down after it all finishes at 4 p.m.?  Even if you can just help out for an hour, do let us know at [email protected].

All this is a lot of work for just a few people but with a little help from our friends it will be much easier and you will be showing Henley – and the planet – that you care.

Together we will show decision makers that people from all walks of life are stepping up to take action on climate change – and we need them to step up too.

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