Greener Henley's Green Screen
In partnership with the Regal Picturehouse
a new kind of cinema experience!
What is a Green Screen?
Green Screen events were co-founded by Greener Henley and our local cinema, the Regal Picturehouse and have been such a success that Picturehouse has now adopted for its group of 26 cinemas nationwide, an achievement we’re really proud of.
It’s a bit of a different cinema experience whereby we show an environmental themed film followed by a panel discussion often with the filmmakers themselves, alongside local experts in the field.
Watch the video to find out what to expect
Next Screening
Our next Green Screen event is Food for Profit
Check out the event page or book tickets here

Food for Profit
With a pool of international experts, this film exposes the links between Agrifood and politics, and analyses the many problems related to factory farming, from water pollution to migrant exploitation.
Past Screenings

Common Ground
An optimistic view of how regenerative practices can positively transform agriculture, improve the land, and bolster food security.

X Trillion
Follows the 3,000 mile journey of eXXpedition’s all-women crew, navigating through the largest accumulation of ocean plastic on Earth.

Elephant Mother
This inspiring documentary follows a Thai conservationist as she takes on the powerful tourist industry to rescue abused elephants.

I Could Never Go Vegan
An exploration of the arguments facing the vegan movement, and if they’re justified

Leaning Into the Wind
An observation of British artist, Andy Goldsworthy

Six Inches of Soil
The inspiring story of young British farmers standing up against the industrial food system