Trees group
We want to double Henley’s tree cover over the next four years. We have made very good progress on a number of fronts in moving towards our target of 1000 trees per year in Henley and 50,000 trees per year in the surrounding parishes. Last year we planted a total of 500 trees.
This year with the help and support of Ribbon Communications, we have already planted 500 trees, around 40 Acre Field on HTC land and private land, and alongside the Henley College playing fields. We have planted 250 hedge trees and shrubs on private land and this should rise to 500 by the end of the year, with a further 700 in January. With this experience behind us we can approach other landowners offering our support in tree and hedge planting. We want to double Henley’s tree cover over the next four years.
To help with this we have engaged with Friends of the Earth with their Oxfordshire Trees initiative and with their mapping project. We will soon have tree opportunity information for all of the parishes around Henley and be a step closer to the 50,000 goal.