We are Greener Henley

We are tackling the climate and ecological crisis using education, action & collaboration.


We engage with schools, local groups & businesses, offering talks & sharing information & engagement to educate about the climate and ecological crisis and encourage positive behaviour change.


We seek to influence action and legislation at individual, local, regional and national levels. We campaign on local matters and we push for Government legislation to support environmental protection.


We work closely with our local partners to start conversations, develop connections and make change happen. We’re proud of the collaborations we have and are always seeking new ones.

The People

We are all volunteers at Greener Henley. Local people, from different backgrounds, all with a common aim: to work together to help build a greener, zero carbon future for Henley and our villages.

Our mission

To build awareness of the climate and ecological crisis, empowering individual and collective action within our local community to reach net zero as fast as possible.