Nature Squared Campaign

Let’s create a nature corridor in Henley and our surrounding villages

Nature Squared banner

Find some space to grow and help us reach our target of 500m2!

Sign up to Nature Squared

Join the Nature Squared campaign by growing 1 square metre of native wildflowers in your garden, school grounds, office garden, balcony – wherever you can find a space.

Greener Henley, Henley in Bloom and the Henley Standard are working together to reach a target of 500 square metres of native wildflower seeds planted in Henley and our surrounding villages. This will create stepping stones that will form a local nature corridor, helping pollinators and other wildlife thrive!

Everyone can join in this campaign to provide food and habitat for our native species and observe the benefits of having wildlife on your doorstep – just plant your seeds, watch them grow and see who comes to visit!

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Register your square meters

How to take part

  1. Get hold of some native wildflower seeds.
    Greener Henley is giving out a packet of FREE seeds to anyone who is keen to take part – just go to the Information Centre at the Town Hall to collect one.
    If you prefer to source your own, you can find a list of plants we recommend. A good online source of native flower seeds grown and gathered in the UK are Landlife Wildflowers
  2. Plant your wildflower seeds.
    Take a look at our planting guide for tips and advice.
  3. Register your square metres
    Let us know how many square metres you’ve planted using the form below so we can add them to our running total.
    If you cannot access the online form, no problem – you can register your square metres at the Town Hall Information Centre and we will add it to our total on the Greener Henley website.
  4. When your plants come up or your flowers begin to bloom, take a photo and send it to the Henley Standard at [email protected]

Let’s create a nature corridor in Henley and our surrounding villages -
find some space to grow and help us reach our target of 500m2!

Spread the word

If you’re documenting your wildflower journey, don’t forget to take photos and use the hashtag #naturesquared. Perhaps you can persuade your friends and neighbours to take part and give our local wildlife a boost?

Nature in the UK is hugely in decline and we need to give it much more space and consideration. Pollinators are often portrayed as bees, but in fact birds, bats, bees, butterflies, beetles, and other small mammals all pollinate plants and are jointly responsible for bringing us one out of every three bites of food! They also sustain our ecosystems and produce our natural resources by helping plants reproduce and without them our agricultural economies and indeed our food supply would be at risk – so let’s get growing!

What comes up when?

Be patient: perennials (ie plants that live more than two years, flowering reliably every year) might take longer to appear than annuals, which should start flowering from May, but you could put in some early flowering bulbs or plants for the very early pollinators.

If you can, please take note of the different species you have visiting your square of nature – insects, birds and other creatures – we’d love to hear about them.  Also keep an eye out for updates on the campaign in the Henley Standard!